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ƒAƒOƒŠƒXƒe[ƒV&... Kagoshima agricultural production actual place, it introduces the foodstuffs and the farm village scenery with the photograph. Types Ecommerce
Consultation room
www.midorisodan.netAcceptance of the consultation regarding designing the garden and planting et cetera the trees and shrubs. Types Ecommerce
Hokkaido Chamber of agriculture
www.hca.or.jpOpening data, agricultural administration news such as opening schedule and officers' meeting such as study meeting. Types Ecommerce
It is dense the inside agricultural net depends on the special technician, the research worker and the revised spread member of Kochi prefecture. And so on concerning the noxious insect and the crop, comprehensive contents. Types Ecommerce
The Aomori prefecture plant quarantine association
www.aomori-syokubou.or.jpActivity such as investigation, research such as disease and pest pest control and the business promotion regarding plant quarantine. Types Ecommerce
The Hiroshima prefectural Livestock technical center
www.hiroshima-chikugi.jpResearch result, animal husbandry technical center information magazine back number. Offer of cow fodder calculation software " Ž” leaf bucket " for meat. Types Ecommerce
The Niigata prefecture agricultural research institute
www.ari.pref.niigata.jpThe paddy rice early rice new kind " the filter it is, growth circumstance and the annual report et cetera of the roofing ". Types Ecommerce
Tokyo agricultural WEB sight
www.tokyonogyo.jpSpeciality item inside the Tokyo, introduction of farm and producer. Safety of the food and the information regarding food growth. Types Ecommerce
Yamanasi Livestock open space
yamanashi.lin.go.jpAdministrative information of livestock industry, event guide and related group link. Types Ecommerce