Community Centers
www.hi-it.netHirosaki city - Comprehensive study center study information mansion. Information of being less crowded circumstance verification and life-long study of motion * cultural facility of city. Types Ecommerce
Basket stripe prefectural people interchange center
www.kagoshima-pac.jpActivity such as life-long study, international interchange, nursing practice and volunteer activity and facility introduction and entertainments information. Types Ecommerce
Chosei village cultural center
Chosei village - Utilization guide, collection of books searching of library and program et cetera of planetarium. Types Ecommerce
Flat castle child center * flat castle field activity e...
www.jidoucenter.comNara city - Information and the like of utilization guide, event participant collection and volunteer collection. Types Ecommerce
Hachiozi ƒGƒ‹ƒVƒB
Eight day town. Guide of bridal, legal main point and restaurant et cetera. Types Ecommerce
Heda city bamboo grass eye community center city - Event schedule, workshop guide and utilization stipulation et cetera. Types Ecommerce
Joetsu city citizen plaza
Joetsu city - Though environmental U.S. Information Center, volunteer center, international interchange center and it is dense, center et cetera the guide. Types Ecommerce
Kasuga city contact cultural center
Kasuga city - Event, ticket sale and utilization guide of facility. Types Ecommerce
Love day hall
www.aijitsu.jpChuo Ku - This town station nearby community center. Guide of event hole and board room et cetera. Types Ecommerce
Onojo ‚Ü ‚Ç or Pia Co., Ltd.
Onojo city - Hole, facility guide and event information of life-long study center, woman center and library, cultural lecture guide. Types Ecommerce
Period south cultural center
Tanabe city - Facility and guide of event. Data of coefficient of use and the like. Types Ecommerce
The Fukuoka prefecture public citizen's hall associatio...
Opening, investigation research activity, public citizen's hall reciprocal information exchange of conference and Workshop and compilation distribution of related data. Types Ecommerce
The Hamamatsu city youth woman center
Hamamatsu city - Meeting hole. Citizen activity, circle activity, service activity and various lectures, personal computer classroom. Types Ecommerce
The Okayama city contact Agency
www.okayama-fureai.or.jpOkayama city - Guide of contact center of city. Types Ecommerce
Tokai village * cultural sport promotion foundation
www.tokai-cs.or.jpTokai village - Introduction of Tokai cultural center, Tokai village comprehensive gymnasium and Tokai station gallery et cetera. Types Ecommerce