Atari (????)



"Atari" (Chinese: d?ch? (??); Korean: dansu (??)) is a term used for a situation where a stone or chain of stones has only one liberty, and may be captured on the next move if not given one or more additional liberties. It can be a verb to describe the act of placing a chain under atari, as well as an adjective to describe the status of a unit, as being "in (the state of) atari". Calling out atari during a game is sometimes done by beginners much like calling out check in chess, but it is considered rude by many players who have advanced beyond the absolute beginner level.

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Above is a simple atari formation with only one stone (the white triangled stone) in danger of being captured. If black plays a, the white piece is immediately captured and removed from the board. White can escape toward the center by playing at a himself, creating a string with three liberties. Below, another white group is in atari, but playing at b along the side will do no good, since Black can then play c, then capture the whole group on the next turn.

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